Parent Partnerships
We’re partners in your child’s education
Life with young children is always busy, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. That starts at the very beginning with a home visit from two of our team where we start to build a relationship with your child. This extends through settling in sessions where parents stay and play. This time helps the emotional transition for parents as well as children.
We work hard to keep parents informed. Our Dayshare app means you’re always up to date about daily learning, eating, sleeping and toileting for the younger ones. We also share photos so you can see how much fun everyone’s having.
A two-year progress check is held around 27 months of age. A written report covers your child’s current skill levels at nursery in communication and language, plus personal, social, emotional and physical development. This progress check also links to a parent meeting.
Parents are welcome to discuss their child/children with their Key Person at any time. We also hold parent meetings three times a year where there is an opportunity to discuss their development and well-being as well as home learning ideas.